Organizational Services

Mocímboa Strategy & Execution

Develop an overall plan for raising organizational support over a set period of time. This includes building a detailed budget that allows for a succesful project and an accomanying plan to raise the income. The income stratgey is then set against a timeline for realistic outcomes. Ongoing support through stratgey execution is integral and provided.

Pregabalin to buy uk Grant Writing & Budgets

Write, proof, train and/or consult on Foundation, Corporate, and Government grants. Editing of pre-existing text or generation of new text (in partnership with the client) is offered. Assist with building of budgets for grants. Knowledge of arts funding community and whether your work is a strong fit is also addressed along with appropriate supplementary materials to round-out a competitive proposal.

Individual Giving

Grow your organization’s individual donor base. Strategies include direct mail, special events, advisory council, one-on-one meetings and an active use of pre-existing or new Board of Directors.

Board Development & Training

Provide solutions for growing and teaching a healthy board inlcuding instituting board terms and contracts, defining expectations on an individual and group level, and the creation and oversight of board committees. Leading board retreats and workshops is also available. This is an intensive meeting with the leaders of an organization around reaching a common goal. An ongoing focus on helping Boards adopt healthy governing practices.

General Consultation

Provide counsel on overall administrative growth, vision and development and pulls from all the services offerred. In depth, detailed advice tailored to your organization’s needs and goals.

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